Season's greetings from EUROLAB Secretariat and EUROLAB President, Mr. Paolo Moscatti
Now that the end of the year is fast approaching, we would like to thank all EUROLAB members, key stakeholders and contacts for the fruitful cooperation, support and active involvement in the EUROLAB activities and projects.
We look forward to continuing working together and bringing our contributions in supporting the laboratory community while collaborating closely with our key stakeholders.
On this occasion, the EUROLAB President, Mr. Paolo Moscatti, addresses his best wishes in a short video below. In his message, the President points out the pandemic challenges and solutions on how to stay connected, informed, while keeping a strong laboratory community. He states that “Only working together, we will be successful”.
We look forward to a fruitful year and hope to meet you all in person in the near future!
Stay strong, be healthy and keep safe!
Happy Holidays!
