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Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium 2022 and MATHMET

EUROLAB is delighted to invite you, as institutional supporter, to the Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium 2022: “Cutting-edge measurement science for the future”.

The event will take place in Porto (Portugal) from 31 August to 1 September 2022, followed by a day MATHMETsatellite workshop, on 2 September, on mathematical and statistical applications related to the activity of the Technical Committees involved.

Characterized by a highly multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature, the 2022 Symposium aims at promoting the scientific debate among several segments within the wide range of applicability in the field of measurement and instrumentation for society, research, productive and regulatory sectors as a whole.

The collaboration with MATHMET will promote, in particular, scientific advancement of metrology applied in specific aspects of training in Measurement Uncertainty, Quality Management Systems, and metrology towards innovation and improvement in medicine and related areas as well as enhancement of global quality of life.

For more information and registration to the event please visit


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