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EUROLAB Highlights from the General Assembly 2021

We have the pleasure to announce the publication of the highlights from the EUROLAB General Assembly 2021, which was held remotely on April 27th, 2021. 

This was an occasion not only to discuss the latest relevant issues for EUROLAB and the world of laboratories, but also to celebrate the 31st Anniversary of this association, which came together for the first time on April 27th, 1990.

The day was marked by a variety of topics and actions, among which:

  • A report on the latest EUROLAB activities for 2020 and the first months of 2021;

  • An update on the latest EU policies of interest for the EUROLAB members;

  • The approval of the financial report for 2020 and the budget for 2021;

  • Brainstorming on key collaborations and future opportunities for EUROLAB;

  • The election of the new Board members, President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer.

You can find more details in this document, while here you can find a Press Release by ALPI Associazione, our Italian Member, whose President Paolo Moscatti was elected as the EUROLAB President.


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