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EUROLAB celebrates the World Metrology Day 2021

Metrology, the science of measurement, has played and will keep playing a key role in scientific discovery and innovation, quality of life, industrial manufacturing and international trade. The theme for this year is "Measurement for Health".

World Metrology Day is an annual celebration of the signature of the Metre Convention on 20 May 1875, a key event that set the framework for global collaboration in the science of measurement. The World Metrology Day project is realized jointly by the BIPM and the OIML.

 Find more information on the event here:

The OIML and the PTB organised a Webinar on Digital Transformation in Legal Metrology on 5 May 2021. The event explored contemporary challenges, opportunities and solutions regarding digitalisation in legal metrology and especially provided a platform for the exchange of strategies, concepts and first steps towards realisations. The Webinar was chaired by Dr Florian Thiel (PTB Germany), Convener of WELMEC Working Group 7 Software

Find a report of the event, prepared by the Secretariat, here.


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