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EUROLAB at the Hellaslab conference on the contribution of Hellaslab and the accredited laboratories to the development of the country

EUROLAB participated at the Hellaslab conference which was held in Athens, on the 12th of February at the Hellenic Pasteur Institute auditorium. The conference focused on the role of accredited laboratories to the development of the country.

The event was aimed at discussing issues related to the latest developments of laboratories in Greece, as well as reflecting upon them and exchanging views and opinions. The conference was attended by more than 70 participants from the government, accreditation bodies, Greek laboratories as well as scientists. EUROLAB's Secretary General, Drewin Nieuwenhuis, gave a presentation focusing on the EUROLAB activities, projects and added value for its members, as well as the latest updates and advancements in the laboratory field.

EUROLAB wishes to extend its thanks to Hellaslab for the kind invitation to the successful event, as well as to all the participants for their valuable contributions.


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