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ECHA Contract Research Organisation Days - bridging in vivo laboratories and regulatory scientists

European Chemicals Agency is organising CRO Days in Helsinki on 19-20 November 2024.

ECHA is committed to reducing vertebrate animal testing, preventing duplicate testing and refining the methods currently used. To this end, ECHA wants to establish an open discussion between contract research organisations (CROs) performing animal studies and ECHA’s regulatory scientists assessing those studies.

The aim of the event is to:

  • share and discuss with CRO representatives the learnings in hazard assessment, where ECHA’s scientists have identified reoccurring issues that may prevent the regulatory acceptance of studies.

  • receive feedback from CROs to understand the most common challenges when performing frequently requested animal studies for REACH purposes.

CRO Days will feature a comprehensive agenda including:

  • Enhancing collaboration between CROs and regulatory bodies

  • Best practices in chemical risk assessment

  • Innovations in testing and analysis methodologies

  • Updates on regulatory requirements and compliance strategies

The event is an open face-to-face meeting for representatives of contract research organisations both in and outside the EU, conducting animal studies to meet the human health information requirements for REACH purposes and under the GLP Directive.

Deadline for registration is 31 August 2024.

For more details visit the official website of the event.


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