BIPM-WMO Metrology for Climate Action Workshop report published
The Metrology for Climate Action Workshop, jointly organised by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) World Meteorological Organization in September 2022, gathered more than a thousand participants and 203 pre-recorded presentations and posters. It was a remarkable gathering of experts from diverse backgrounds, providing a platform for fruitful discussions, knowledge exchange, and the exploration of innovative solutions.
The report captures the essence of these deliberations and will serve as a valuable resource for the scientific community, policymakers, and stakeholders alike. 81 issues on key technical challenge areas were identified and 126 recommendations were developed to address them.
The themes covered were metrology in support of the physical science basis of climate change and climate observations as well as its role as an integral component of operational systems to estimate greenhouse gas emissions based on accurate measurements and analyses.
The report compiling this and more is available here:
EUROLAB joined the event as stakeholder organisation thanks to the support of EURAMET.
