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One week left to register to “The Lab of the Future”

EUROLAB has the pleasure to share the official program and full list of speakers to the International Conference “The Lab of the Future”, organised by ALPI-ASSOTIC in collaboration with EUROLAB on the occasion of the General Assembly 2022 & Accompanying Events.

The Conference will take place on 19 May 2022 from 14:15 to 18:00 at Centro Congressi Cavour – Via Cavour, 50/a Rome (Italy). Attendance is completely free of charge.

For those who will not be able to attend in person, there will be the possibility to follow the Conference remotely.

The Conference is intended as an opportunity for some in-depth information on digitization, on possible developments in digital metrology, but also on unpostponable needs, such as the sustainability of laboratory activities and IT security. The Conference, therefore, aims to point out that sometimes the future cannot wait, and, in some cases, the future is now.

To attend the Conference, please register here by Friday 13 May 2022:


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