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Highlights - webinar “Method and procedure validation across laboratories"

On 26 February, the EUROLAB webinar “Method and procedure validation across laboratories: navigating precision in lab practices” took place online.

Participants could learn and interact with our great pool of speakers, including experts from the National Laboratory Association South Africa (NLA-SA), Eurachem, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and the Portuguese Institute for Quality (IPQ).

The presentations provided a very detailed and comprehensive overview of validation practices across diverse laboratory types, including calibration, testing and reference gas laboratories, and validation of software and computer systems within labs, which raised the interest of participants and fruitful discussions during the Q&A session.

The detailed program is available here.

We want to thank the numerous attendees who joined the event, the great moderators, and all the brilliant speakers for their insightful presentations. We look forward to further working together on such relevant topics for the laboratory community!

If you missed the event, recordings and materials are still available upon registration and payment of a 75€ fee. If interested, please contact


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