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EUROLAB presentation at the first International Conference of Weighing

Earlier today, EUROLAB Secretary General, Laura Martin joined a session on digitalisation at the first International Conference of Weighing (ICW), in Hamburg (Germany).

Ms Martin contributed with a presentation on the developments in the laboratory sector, focusing on the challenges and benefits of the digitalisation process for small and medium laboratories and providing insights on our key topic “The Lab of the Future”.

The event, focused on “Digitalisation in a global digital world”, brought together various actors and stakeholders in the weighing sector.

CECIP - European Weighing Industry was the host of the first edition of the ICW, organised by Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale (OIML), Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), CAFIPEM - Cámara de Fabricantes de Instrumentos de Pesar y Medir REMESP Rede Metrológica do Estado de São Paulo, JMIF, CWIA, KASTO and WIAA.


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