Call for Papers IMEKO TC8-TC11-TC24 Joint Conference
We are glad to share the upcoming IMEKO TC8-TC11-TC24 Conference, jointly organised by the three Technical Committees, in collaboration with EUROLAB.
The event will take place in Madeira, Portugal, on 11-13 October 2023. The program will focus on the key topics of each TC, namely Traceability in Metrology, Measurement in Testing, Inspection and Certification, and Chemical Measurements.
Interested authors are kindly invited to submit abstracts of 250 words, in English in the appointed Conference mottos:
New challenges and opportunities in traceability
Testing, Inspection and Certification for confidence and safety
New perspectives in Chemical measurements
After acceptance, Authors will be informed and kindly invited to submit full papers (up to 4 pages) in English. Accepted and presented full papers will be submitted for inclusion in Scopus after the event.
Please note that the deadline for abstract submission has been extend until 30 April 2023.
